Student Contests
Leo Schneider Student Team Competition
At each spring meeting, the Ohio Section of the MAA hosts a student math competition in honor of Leo Schneider. Groups of three students collaborate to solve ten challenging math problems. The top three teams are award cash prizes and the admiration of their peers!
Each team will consist of at most three students from the same institution. Members from the same team may work together and will submit one set of solutions per team.
Participants must be undergraduate students and currently enrolled at the institution they represent.
Each team must have a faculty sponsor. Faculty sponsors must register their team(s) in advance (see below). Faculty members may serve as sponsors for any number of teams from their institution.
No calculators, computers, or technology of any kind are allowed.
CONSTUM is solely responsible for the grading, judging and evaluating of the competition.
CONSTUM is solely responsible for interpreting the rules and for ruling on any unforeseen situation. The contest problems will be drawn from the standard mathematics undergraduate curriculum and will vary in difficulty. The problems will not be multiple choice, but will require computation and/or explanation of answers. Some of the problems will involve topics accessible to a sophomore level mathematics major (e.g. calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, etc.).
Please complete the form below to register your team for the Spring 2024 Student Team Competition now!